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Past Life Regression Therapy

Past-Life Regression Therapy is the therapeutic process by which memories from current and/or previous lives can be accessed and

re-experienced in a safe environment by a trained therapist.


Relational conflicts, blockages, and/or emotional and physical symptoms may have their roots in previous lifetimes. These old symptoms can be carried to the current life, contributing to physical, emotional, mental,

and spiritual difficulties.


By accessing and reprocessing these past memories and discover the original source of the problem, you can have a greater perspective and understanding of life, move forward, heal, and start making positive changes in the current life. Likewise, the insights obtained from these experiences typically provide a spiritual perspective of your life situation and current relationships.


There are different ways to retrieve memories from previous lifetimes,

but the most common one is through the use of hypnosis. Throughout hypnosis, the subconscious mind is accessed and while the conscious mind continues to be active, it takes an observer position, allowing the subconscious mind to flourish. It is in the subconscious mind where all memories from the beginning of time are stored.


Past-Life Regression Therapy is based on the concept of reincarnation. The belief that a soul incarnates over and over again until it reaches a higher state of consciousness and enlightenment throughout the lessons learned across lifetimes. 

Soul's Purposes

One of the soul's primary purposes is to progress toward healing as well as to become a compassionate and loving being. The ultimate soul's purpose is to reunite with the divine.


Karma is a universal law having to do with the law of cause and effect. It allows us to find equilibrium in our actions and behaviors. It is about learning and not about punishment. Karma is an oportunity to make up to those we have hurt in the past. It is ultimate justice.

Heal the present through the past and embark yourself in a journey through past lives! 

Book your appointment today! 


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