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About the Session


A Past Life Regression Therapy session generally lasts about 4 to 5 hours, depending on the depth and complexity of the experience.


At the beginning of the session, Dr. Ruiz will meet with you for about 1 to 1.5 hours for the intake interview. The main purpose of the interview is to gather information about the different aspects of your life in order to have a comprehensive picture of you, including the life difficulties you are going through. After the interview, Dr. Ruiz will put you in a deep state of relaxation through the use of guided meditation, imagery, and hypnosis and this process will take about 2 to 2.5  hours. The first part of the trance state consists of accessing memories of past lives. You will be regressed and guided through an appropriate past life throughout the various periods of the life and eventually through the death scene. The second part of the trance state consists of contacting the Subconscious Mind, also known as the Higher Self, which is the wiser part of you that knows it all about you. During this state, your Higher Self can reveal the cause of any emotional, mental and physical ailments that are steaming from past lives and can assist you according to your soul's particular lessons. After the trance state, Dr. Ruiz will spend about 1 hour to discuss and process your regression experience to maximize its healing potential. 


It is important to remember that, throughout the regression process, you will be aware of your surroundings and you will always be in control. You can decide what to say and what not to say to the therapist and you will not say and do anything that is against your values, morals, and safety.


If at any time you want to stop the regression, you can request to stop the process and the regression will cease immediately. Once the regression is over, you may or may not remember the regression experience. Thus, all sessions are audio recorded and Dr. Ruiz will provide you with a copy of the recording right after the session is over.


The spiritual journey and the healing process does not end with the session. Typically, new layers of insight, understanding, and, at times, healing will spontaneously come over time.  


The fee for the session is $500. It can be payable by cash or credit card. If paid by credit card, a 3 percent surcharge is added.



Disclaimer: Past Life Regression Therapy is not to be used as a replacement of conventional psychotherapy nor for the diagnosis  of any medical or psychiatric conditions. The information obtained from past life memories are valuable and important in that they provide information to help with the present life and to learn from. But remember that the present life you are living is the most important life of all, for it is the one you are focused on at the present time and where you can make actual changes.

What are the Benefits of  Past Life Regression Therapy?

The expereince might not be the same for everybody, as different outcomes can come out of the regression. But, by re-living and re-processing past life memories, you might be able to bring closure to old wounds and/or to unresolved business/needs that are affecting your current life. It might also give you a different perspective about your life in general and can bring you great inner peace. But the greatest benefit is perhaps knowing that you are an eternal soul, who has lived and will live again, having  the opportunity to better yourself and reunite with your loved ones.

How Many Sessions Do I Need?

Typically, a person will have one , and on occasions more than one,  depending on what the experience is and the issues you want to explore. You might feel that having more than one session is beneficial to continue the journey and the process of healing. The number of sessions is always up to you!

Other Lifetimes, Different Roles

At times, a person may have more than one past life memory in a given session, and it is not surprising to find out that the people you know in your current life have been with you in other lifetimes, assuming different roles and relationships.

Heal the present through the past and embark yourself in a journey through past lives! 

Book your appointment today! 


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